Thursday, November 09, 2006

hold our hands

We come to you, dear Father, to ask that you enter into our hearts. Please come into our lives, not as a visitor, but as a companion to us for always. Walk with us, talk with us, hold our hands; we put our trust in you. Amen.

Ok, so if you come here regularly (which is doubtful, seeing as this is a very young blog) you may be wondering why I’ve not posted for a couple of days, and why I’ve swapped from scripture t a prayer.

The first part is easy, I’ve been very very hectic at work (which is where I set my time aside to do this blog) and just haven’t had the time :o(

The second part is funny. I got up a 5am this morning to come to work, so that I’d have time to post, and get a head start on another very busy day. My scripture texts are taken from the Moravian daily texts, which are emailed to me every day, along with a prayer. I get two scriptures too choose from, but in my foggy eyed tiredness this morning I inadvertently illustrated the prayer, which is quite funny as I hate doing hands.

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